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NCSS 2023

8 -10 APRIL 2025




Debi McCormack

Debi McCormack

Communications Director, The Cyber Scheme

Debi has headed up the marketing and communications team at The Cyber Scheme since 2021 and collaborates with industry partners including The NCSC, The UK Cyber Security Council, CiiSEC, CREST, IASME, and the UK's top CHECK companies in the provision of NCSC-certified assessments and training for established security testers. She also provides entry-level support to graduates and career transitioners, including resources to complement The Cyber Scheme's Foundations level training and exams. Now that The Cyber Scheme is a Licensed Body for Chartership, Debi is also involved in supporting professional development and career progression as a result of the creation of the Professional Titles Register. Debi has also developed an innovative sponsorship scheme with most of the leading pen testing companies in the UK, fostering collaboration and providing an objective voice in the industry. Sponsors gift time towards the development of new exams and standards, ensuring that The Cyber Scheme develops services that the industry needs, values, and demands.


The Safety & Security Event Series

FSEHSENational Cyber Security ShowPSO LiveTSEThe Workplace Event