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NCSS 2023

8 -10 APRIL 2025


Exhibitor Products


05 Mar 2024

External Vulnerability Assessment

National Cyber Resilience Centre Network Stand: 5/N25

This remotely reviews your connection to the internet & searches for potential weaknesses

It uses the same methods as a criminal would to perform renaissance on you

Provides a service report that includes:

  • A plain language, easy to follow, interpretation of the results
  • How any vulnerabilities could be used by an attacker
  • Simple instructions on how any vulnerabilities may be fixed

This assessment is not the same as penetration testing

​Instead, it focuses on identifying what weaknesses there are that may compromise your systems

Uses same tools & methods as criminal hackers

Maps your organisations internet connections

Uses professional intelligence to understand latest threats

Do we have any other recommendations?

The IASME Trusted Partner network can provide additional support (e.g. full penetration testing)

They are also certifying bodies for the Cyber Essentials and Cyber Essentials Plus schemes, & so can help you achieve these too

What are the risks with this?

Although interaction with your system is kept to a minimum, unfortunately poorly maintained or designed systems can suffer outages during this procedure​

How do we minimise this risk?

​We ensure that all internal vulnerability assessments are supported with back-out and recovery plans

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